All students in Kindergarten to Fifth Grade must follow the following uniform guidelines:
Colors: Navy, Black or Khaki/Tan
Shorts, Slacks, Skorts, Skirts, Skirted jumpers, Capris, Pants
Must be plain, solid-color
No Jeans are permitted; Sweatpants are permitted in cold weather
Belts suggested for belt loops
Bottoms should fit properly, be of adequate length, and not sag below the waist
Colors: Navy, White, Hunter Green, Light Blue, Gray
Polo Shirts, T-shirts, Sweaters, Cardigans, Sweater Vests, Jackets, Coats
Must be plain, solid color
Jackets and Coats in cold weather may also be black
Pine Crest Elementary Magnet School of Innovation Logo Shirts will be available for purchase; however, there is no obligation to purchase Pine Crest logo shirts. Clothing meeting the uniform requirements can come from your closet, garage sales, or your favorite store or catalog. Target, Wal-Mart, and Old Navy are just a few of the stores that have reasonably priced items that fit the dress code. Pine Crest Logo shirts are not required, but are encouraged to show our school spirit and identity. The uniform policy will be enforced each day. Free dress days will be planned regularly to give students a chance to wear their favorite clothing. Students may choose free dress on their Birthday. Also, Administration will plan special days during the school year such as college day, sports day etc.