It will be our students that harness those connections so that they may be our future leaders. By fostering relationships with families, community partners and leaders in industry, Pine Crest is able to offer our students and families opportunities that extend far beyond the classroom walls.
Pine Crest students learn to connect to the world to share their innovative new solutions through face-to-face presentations and meetings with industry experts or can connect to experts all over the world using our global communications equipment. By working with each other and members of our community to tackle authentic, community-sourced problems in our Genius Hour time, our students learn to empathize with their classmates and the greater community and learn to devise solutions to problems that fit their audience and their needs.

Our Family Exploration Academy allows families to learn along with their students. Through on-campus workshops and showcases, family coding clubs, Academic Parent-Teacher Team sessions, and our backpacks of computer science program, families learn how to bring the best of what we have to offer home and enrich the lives of all family members in our Pine Crest community.